COVID19 Info for KBOO Volunteers



KBOO volunteers:

We want to first thank you for your support as we implement some operational changes in response to the COVID-19 state-wide mandate issued by Governor Kate Brown on 3/12/20. As a result, our collective decision is to practice social distancing necessary to mitigate the spread of the virus by reducing volunteer operations here at the station for at least the next 30 days. We are adjusting our contingency plans as the situation changes each day so we appreciate your flexibility and understanding around our last minute updates and changes. Please know that decisions were made with your health and safety at the center. 

This is our operational plan for at least the time being (beginning 3/13/20):

KBOO is closed to non-essential guests and activities 
Our station is closed to the public. Only emergency volunteers and personnel are allowed in the station.

ALL volunteers are suspended from the station including programmers 
Beginning March 13 at 10pm, the station will be closed to ALL volunteers. Programmers are being asked to stay home and to pre-record their shows from home. Even though we are in partial shutdown, programmers are still responsible for their programs. Emergency board ops will still be at the station to air your audio. Please contact your director if you have questions. All programmers will be receiving more detailed instructions later today via email. We appreciate your help in keeping our airwaves live and our listeners engaged during this difficult time. Here are some instructions for KBOO volunteers: 'How to record your show from home'

Staff is working from home
All staff are being asked to work remotely as much as possible which means they will not be in station to answer questions. Please email staff if you need anything. We are still working to support your radio needs.

KBOO trainings and classes
All trainings and classes have been suspended. We are hoping to get online-only classes up and running in the next week. Please check our trainings page for updates. 

Production room and studio usage
All production room and studio spaces are unavailable for volunteers. If you need to record audio for your program, please contact your staff member for instructions on how to pre-record your show remotely.

Committee and Board meetings
All meetings will be conducted online and available to the public. Check this page for updates.

Live guests and live music performances at KBOO
All live in-station interviews and live in-station music performances have been suspended. Programmers, please interview your guests via phone to help with social distancing. We will be updating this page with instructions on how to record a phone interview using a smart phone soon. 

Wash your hands and other helpful advice
Wash your hands when first entering the station. Wash your hands before and after using any equipment. Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands!

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