John Nelson is an award-winning author and writer of both visionary fiction and non-fiction. John’s whose work spans many different areas—from exploring how technology will affect the future of our human spiritual evolution, to methods for bring greater peace and healing into our personal lives. John has authored several visionary fiction titles, including Starborn, Transformations, Matrix of the Gods, I, Human, The Miracle of Anna, and New Mexican Standoff. He also authored The Magic Mirror, 2008 COVR winner for best book of the year. His book A Guide to Energetic Healing, shares practical information about shamanic healing.
John’s newest book is Threshold: A Crisis Ignites a Universal Awakening. This very timely book explores the kind of major consciousness awakening that is so needed today.
John worked in publishing as the advertising/publicity director of Hampton Roads Publishing in the mid 1990s, as the editorial directors for both Bear & Company in late 1990s and Inner Oceans Publishing in the early 2000s. In 2003 he started Bookworks--a freelance editorial service.
John has written articles about consciousness and other such subjects for Kindred Spirit, Body Mind Spirit, and New Dawn. John has been a yogi and meditator for some 50 years. His new book, This Moment Paradise: 101 Poems for an Empty Mind, is a book of Zen poems. For more information about John Nelson's literary services, see JohnNelsonBookworks.com.
Host Donald Altman
Donald Altman, M.A., LPC, is a psychotherapist, international mindfulness expert and award-winning author of over 20 books translated worldwide. Featured as an expert in The Mindfulness Movie and profiled in the Living Spiritual Teachers Project, he currently writes Psychology Today’s Practical Mindfulness Blog. His best-selling The Mindfulness Toolboxwon two national publishing Ben Franklin IPBA awards as best book in both the Psychology and Mind-Body-Spirit categories. His books, Clearing Emotional Clutter and The Mindfulness Code, were both chosen as “One of the Best Spiritual Books of the Year” by Spirituality & Practice.
Past Vice-President of The Center for Mindful Eating, he has taught mindfulness to over 15,000 health care and business professionals. His newly released book is Travelers, a novel about a grieving psychiatrist who finds hope, healing and renewal when a mysterious traveling pet therapist, a sentient canine, and suicidal young patient come to the psych ward.
For more about Donald's books, CDs and Online Courses, visit MindfulPractices.com Donald's Facebook Mindfulness and Reflection Group