Welcome to the special Thanksgiving edition of The Holy Crowley Hour, the only radio show offering a vegan menu for the occasion. No actual entrees, just the menu itself, which is entirely plant-based.
Our guests tonight are Kaitlin Statz and Travis Vengroff of Fool and Scholar Productions. Kaitlin and Travis create audio dramas, what they call “adventure in your headphones”. Their work includes The White Vault, Dark Dice, Vast Horizon, and Liberty. The writing, acting, and production are absolutely stellar, and, perhaps more than any other podcast creators I know, they go to great lengths in getting the voices, effects, and music as authentic as possible. We'll also be playing an episode of Kaitlin and Travis' The White Vault podcast in its horrifying entirety!
All that before Joe Woods enters the KBOO studios at midnight for Far-Away Places, or, as we like to call it, Quid Pro Joe. Apologies to the Republican National Committee, who used the pun first, though with much more sinister intent.