On Wednesday, January 9, Stephanie Potter spoke with Sean Stevens of Oregon
Wild about Bush's "compromise" with the timber industry: The Western Oregon
Plan Revision or "Whopper." Stevens describes how this plan would
decimate old growth forests and salmon habitat on BLM ...
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Host Barbara Bernstein invites Portland city officials onto her show to
discuss the city's storm water management systems. Her guests today are Dean
Marriott, Director of the Bureau of Environmental Services, and Lisa Libby,
Sam Adams' Senior Environmental Policy Director....
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Since participating in the first "Inconvenient Truth" workshop with Al Gore,
Oregon Secretary of State Bill Bradbury has been traveling around the state
giving presentations based on Al Gore's book. This talk was recorded at the
BPA GSA Auditorium on December 13th. It's par...
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Host Glen Andreson continues last month's theme of gardening on the cheap.
Find even more sources of FREE or very cheap gardening supplies, especially
small perennial fruits, fruit trees, compost materials, mulches, and
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The Western Oregon Plan Revision, otherwise known as the “Whopper”
threatens old growth forests and could add to global warming. The Bureau of
Land Managent took comments until January 11. KBOO’s Stephanie Potter
spoke with Sean Stevens of Oregon Wild.
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Wild bison migrating out of Yellowstone National Park are being hunted in
Montana in what activists have termed ‘cross-border hunting sprees’.
Jenka Soderberg interviewed Stephanie Seay of the Buffalo Field campaign
about the state organized killing of these animals.
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This week on KBOO News, you’ve heard several reports on the Western
Oregon Plan Revisions, which will allow logging on all land owned by the
Bureau of Land Management in Oregon. Today the public comment period for
the Western Oregon Plan Revision, or WHOPPER, draws to ...
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Living sustainably is not an easy thing to do in city life. Too often
everyday people are forced to make harder and harder decisions when it comes
to their environmental impact. KBOO’s Michael Ianello brings us one
community’s example of sustainable city living.
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A private meeting was held today concerning chemical agent waste issues at
the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility near Hermiston, Oregon. The
issue at stake is how to dispose of one ton containers of mustard
gas. These containers account for nearly 70 percent of ...
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Michelle Shroeder Fletcher interviews Shawn Furst and Michael Westwind from
Portland's unique computer training and electronics recycling center. Find
out how to recycle old computer gear with Free Geek, or how you can earn your
own computer by helping Free Geek build them...
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