

Old Mole Variety Hour for October 8, 2007

Airs at: Sun, 10/07/2007 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
James Loewen, author of "Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong," talks with Laurie Mercier about Columbus Day. Bill Resnick and union president Christy Lovato discuss labor and community solidarity with the workers at Powells Book... Read more

Blumenauer protest

Airs at: Thu, 09/27/2007 at 5:00pm
Produced for Evening News
Protestors calling for the impeachment of George Bush met yesterday outside the Portland office of Congressman Earl Blumenaur, but were locked out of his office itself. KBOO’s Kurt Ackerson spoke with Martha Odom, one of the protestors: Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for June 25, 2007

This show has discussions of the role of religion in the environmental movement, Socialism and Feminism in the life of Lynn Siegel, and the criminalization of immigrants. Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour, June 18, 2007

This show includes interviews on immigration and labor, prisons and Paris Hilton; a short story about the immigrant experience, a review of a novel by Mary Gaitskill, and a commentary about the future of atheism. Read more

Circle A Radio

Circle A covers local, national and international issues, focusing on the voices of communities who, for political reasons, are not allowed a voice in the mainstream media. For more information email us, or continue to the Audio Tab to listen to our past shows.   The Cir... Read more

Prison Pipeline

Every Monday 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Connecting with the Community Inside. MISSION STATEMENT Prison Pipeline is a radio program dedicated to educating the public about the Oregon criminal justice system. Our goal is to present a unique understanding of the criminal justi... Read more

News & Cultural Programming at KBOO

Recent specials: News and Public Affairs Day 2/4/11 Indigenous Resistance DayMonday, October 12, 9 am to 12 pmIncludes a segment on 'Debunking Columbus', and a talk by John Trudell, acclaimed poet, national recording artist, actor and activist whose international following r... Read more